Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Change things up a bit with...

This week, I thought I'd share an idea of how you could make one small change that would add a little variety to the type of technology you use in your classroom. Do you write your students a morning message each day? Do you find yourself repeating directions for assignments?

What if you programmed an avatar to do that for you?

There is one on my page here...have you tried it out? Push the play button. It is just a short, quick message.

I built this avatar at and love to use them just to keep things interesting. There are lots of options for a variety of characters, outfits, backgrounds, and even bling! You can type in a message for the voki to say for you or you can record one with a microphone. Once you've finished your voki, you can email it or embed it in a blog. If you emailed it to yourself, you could have it open on the white board for student's access. When they are ready to hear the message or you are ready to play it, you'd just push the play button. Since you can embed vokis in blogs and websites, you could create a more permanent welcome message and add it to your site. You could do this for project directions or field trip information too.

As always, I am happy to work with you to do this. If you would like my help, just ask!!

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