In the past, I've used this blog only for personal use and for classroom instruction. I thought that this year, with a new position, in a new school, it might be more relevant and useful to have it serve a new function as well. Each week, at least that is my goal, I'm hoping to update this blog with links and resources about something you might be able to use in your classroom and would add technology into what you are already doing. Because, as a former classroom teacher, I know that's they key. We have to find ways enhance and develop the ideas you already have...because they are great! It may be a bit challenging at first, and you may have to jump a few hoops to feel successful, but in the long run it should provide your students with a more quality education, and that is, of course, our goal!
Since being hired for this job, I've been trying to expand my PLN (professional learning network) beyond just the walls of the schools I work in. To do this, I started reading blogs, created a RSS feed for myself, and joined Twitter. I "tweeted" for the first time just a short while ago. What I have already learned is that the resources and ideas out there are more than you can possibly imagine. It is, at times, even overwhelming, to take in all the websites, strategies and possibilities out there. But, you only have to start with one idea to get the ball rolling.
Our school's Director of Technology, Stephen Reiach, recommended the blog written by Kim Cofino. ( ) She currently works at Yokohama International School in Japan as the Technology and Learning Coach. What she is doing in the classrooms at YIS is simply amazing. Each post of hers is inspirational to me and I hope to one day feel just as accomplished in integrating technology across all age groups. Take a minute and read a few of her recent posts. Are you inspired? Can we take one element of something she's done and do it in our classrooms?
Another blog I have been following is the Langwitches blog written by Sylvia Rosenthal Tolisano. ( ) Tolisano travels offering workshops in "Globally Connected Learning" and blogs about all kinds of possibilities in adding technology into your classroom. Look at her blog. If you come across something that interests you and you'd like to try it in your classroom, let me know! Let's work together to build our technology skills!
So, my challenge to my colleagues at ASM and anyone else who happens to come across this blog is to start looking beyond your classroom and school walls for ideas and inspiration. Do you have an education-related blog you already follow? Please share! Did you read about something you'd like to try? And, just as a side note...following blogs is as easy as using an RSS feed! ("What?" You say?!) An RSS feed updates automatically each time a post is added to a blog you follow and you can read the updates all in one place. Want to learn? Let me know!
21st century kid image from
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